Meeting | Pexels by Mike van Schoonderwalt
Meeting | Pexels by Mike van Schoonderwalt
At the January 3 Green City Council Organizational meeting, Clark DeVitis (At Large) was elected City Council president and Christopher “CJ” Meager (Ward 2) was elected vice-president for 2023.
City Council Committee Assignments for 2023 include:
Finance: CJ Meager, Chair; Barb Babbitt, Vice-Chair; Rocco Yeargin
Environment and Parks: Richard Brandenburg, Chair; Clark DeVitis, Vice-Chair; Jeff Noble
Public Safety: Clark DeVitis, Chair; CJ Meager, Vice-Chair; Dave France
Planning and Economic Development: Jeff Noble, Chair; Rocco Yeargin, Vice-Chair; Clark DeVitis
Rules and Personnel: Rocco Yeargin, Chair; Dave France, Vice-Chair; CJ Meager
Transportation, Connectivity, and Stormwater: Barb Babbit, Chair; Jeff Noble, Vice-Chair; Richard Brandenburg
Intergovernmental and Utilities: Dave France, Chair; Richard Brandenburg, Vice-Chair; Barb Babbitt
The first City Council meeting of 2023 is January 10 at 7 p.m. in City Council Chambers, 1755 Town Park Blvd. City Council committee meetings begin prior to the regular meeting at 5 p.m. City Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month. Watch live at
Original source can be found here.